This Pentecost Season, fan into flames the gift God has given you!


Pentecost is the time we celebrate the Holy Spirit being poured out upon mankind. On the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples as Jesus had promised. They were gathered in the Upper Room and were filled with God’s power.

As the Bible describes, it was as if tongues of fire descended on their heads. This same fire is available to all believers today. Yes, it is a glorious story captured in Scripture and illustrated on beautiful stained glass windows but it can also be your experience today!

“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)

God has given us many great and precious promises. He has also blessed us with gifts, talents and abilities. For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, that we may not perish but have eternal life. So Jesus is the greatest gift of all. However, as believers we can also receive the gift of the Holy Spirit also known as the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues.

This is a life-changing experience with empowers us to live the Christian life boldy. It’s not just something activated during Pentecost, but for everyday victorious Christian living. There may only be one Baptism of the Holy Spirit but many fillings. If you have never received the infilling of the Holy Spirit, ask God to baptise you during this Pentecost season in the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus. If you have already been baptised, then ask Him to fill you to overflowing.

The Apostle Paul instructs Timothy to fan into flames the gift God has given to him, through the laying on of hands. This means we have a role to play in the intensity of the fire we allow to burn within us. This means we can stir ourselves up in our calling, gifts and in the power of the Holy Spirit that was poured out at Pentecost.

“Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands.” (2 Timothy 1:6)

One of the ways you can fans these flames is to ‘pray in the Spirit’ – in other words, pray in tongues. This is the supernatural sign God has given us of His presence through the Holy Spirit. When this happens to you, you know it’s not of your own accord although you have the ability to stop and start as you wish. So pray in your Heavenly language and ask God to fill you to overflowing.

I remember the day a pastor prayed for me to be baptised in the Holy Spirit. I started speaking in a new language and I felt like riding all around town praying at the top of my voice and telling people Christianity is real! It was glorious! The Baptism of the Holy Spirit brings a supernatural boldness as we can see from the fruit of the Apostle Peter’s preaching on the Day of Pentecost when 3000 people were saved in one day.

When you are filled with the Holy Spirit that is when the gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit become increasingly evident in your life. You may start to operate in the gifts of the Spirit with Words of Wisdom or Knowledge, Discernment of Spirits etc. God may give you supernatural faith or gifts of healings. You will also see ongoing growth in your life of the fruit of the Spirit, God’s peace, joy, patience etc.

Be filled to overflowing with God and be a powerful witness for God in all you do. Let God give you a newfound heartbeat for souls and boldness to fulfill the Great Commission. Once you’ve received God’s power you will be His witness wherever you go.

Pray A Prayer for the World on Pentecost Sunday. Participate in the Global Day of Prayer!

Also read: The Bible is your secret weapon. Use it to reach your God-given destiny!

Wordsmith, overcomer and exhorter. Al has a degree in Journalism and Media Studies and years of communications experience in Africa, the UK, Israel and USA. He left South Africa in 2001 and worked for GOD TV in England for 18 years. He now heads up Countdown Creative, a content creation business in Exeter. Al is the author of three biographies. Blogs he writes for include; International Christian and UK and US Christian.

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