Fuel the Fire, a wake-up call for the Church to be revival ready

Fuel the Fire gatherings are an powerful opportunity for Christian leaders to come together to prepare for coming revival in the UK. Al Gibson was at Fuel the Fire, Exeter where a large group of pastors, church leaders and businesspeople were gathered to hear an urgent wake up call for believers in the British Isles.

He shares some of the themes of the day which ranged from preparation for what God wants to do in our nation to the importance of self-discipline, being alert and focused on prayer. How we need to lead from a place of listening and walk in unity to accomplish more together than we ever could apart.

Fuel the Fire, Exeter speakers: From left to right, Mark Pugh; Daniel Harmon; Steve Uppal and Henry Ita.

Welcoming leaders to Fuel the Fire in Exeter, Pastor Daniel Harmon of City of Life Church in Portsmouth, spoke about the importance of the Body of Christ in the UK working together as fishers of men. Believers today continue to face this same invitation Jesus gave to His disciples which requires all hands on deck.

“Fuel the Fire is all about joining nets, mending nets and collaborating in the Kingdom so we don’t lose any fish,” Daniel said. “As our nets overflow, we need the support of one another and the All Nations Movement is here to resource and encourage us in the Great Commission.”

Be revival ready, Lead by Listening

Pastor Steve Uppal, of All Nations Church in Wolverhampton believes revival is coming and the Church is unprepared. In fact today’s Church could be described as “not fit for purpose”. Steve points out this could be the result of the Church being too platform-orientated or personality-based, and creating consumers not disciples.

He often speaks on the urgent need for a New Reformation that is more significant than the Reformation of Martin Luther 500 years ago. “New wine will not be put into old wine skins,” he said quoting Mark 2:22, we need to keep in step with all God is doing.”

This marks a shift away from institutional Christianity into relational Christianity, Steve maintains, where people know their God and understand His ways. Where His ‘Big Story’ and Timeline are first and foremost and where believers walk in their identity and purpose.

He refers to “The Burning Ones” who live in the Secret Place with God, who the Lord entrusts with his secrets. These are believers who walk in God’s authority and have the power to go out and change the world. This is because they “lead from listening” as he describes it. “It’s the way Jesus lived and ministered and it is the way God is calling us to be ready for revival.”

Steve leads the All Nations Movement and is the author of Revival Ready with his wife Esther. They believe it is our highest calling to be carriers of God’s presence and each believer is born for this specific time. “Yes we have been through a period of shaking, and more shaking is coming and God wants us to be ready!”

This requires us to clean house and become more self disciplined than ever before, to stop being distracted, to stop scrolling on our phones, and focus on God. “The enemy wants to dilute God’s Word, but we really need to believe the whole Bible. Liberalism has never increased Church growth, it leads to empty church buildings and a pathetic demonstration of Christianity. Don’t go with popular trends, go with God, the Creator of the Universe.

“Are you ready to be a pioneer?” Steve asks in conclusion. “Could you move beyond the comfort of the familiar, take risks to move into territory you are not used to?. In the midst of all that is going on, God chose you to be alive right now and flourish in this season.”

Make Prayer a priority

Pastor Henry Ita of New Life Church, Derby spoke on the importance of prayer, echoing the need for Christian leaders to wake up and press into what God is saying to the Church so they can lead from a place of listening.

“The enemy has been singing a lullaby to keep us asleep. God needs us to be awake. We are called to watch and pray but too often we hit the snooze button and go back to sleep. Make prayer a priority and the anointing that you receive in the Secret Place will change lives all around you.

“Go back to the place of prayer and contend for what God wants to do. The enemy wants to keep us asleep so he can achieve his objectives. God wants you awake so you can hear what He is saying and take action. Press into what He is saying through prayer and lead from a place of listening to Him.”

Overcome your insecurities to walk in unity

Pastor Mark Pugh of Rediscover Church, where Fuel the Fire, Exeter was held, concluded the leadership event with a call for unity. He talked about ministers and church leaders overcoming insecurity to be the fathers and mothers that get alongside others.

“Your value doesn’t come from your reputation, it comes from Jesus. Insecurity causes us to push people away when they could be God’s instrument of healing,” he said. “The Church hands out roles where Jesus hands out assignments. God has not given you a lesser assignment, just a different assignment. Know who you and whose you are. Be strong and courageous, like Joshua who was secure in his calling. Don’t let the enemy question your identity.

“There is a new dimension of unity coming in the Body of Christ but it will have shallow roots if we continue to be insecure. Relinquish your ambition and the need to control. Let God heal our brokenness and fragility. Let us be people who bring unity to the Body of Christ.”

About Fuel the Fire

Fuel the Fire leaders days are an opportunity to gather with kingdom-minded believers, who value God’s presence and apostolic and prophetic input. Judging by the many challenges we heard at Fuel the Fire, Exeter, I personally feel spurred on to seek God more deeply. I am reminded of the importance of petitioning Heaven to hear the divine strategies God has for us so we can be obedient to our calling. I for one want to be alert and awake to play my part in the ‘glorious Church’ Jesus is building. I highly recommend you attend a Fuel the Fire event. Click to find out more.

Also read: Local church celebrates Jesus in the city centre on Easter Sunday

Wordsmith, overcomer and exhorter. Al has a degree in Journalism and Media Studies and years of communications experience in Africa, the UK, Israel and USA. He left South Africa in 2001 and worked for GOD TV in England for 18 years. He now heads up Countdown Creative, a content creation business in Exeter. Al is the author of three biographies. Blogs he writes for include GODTV.com; International Christian and UK and US Christian.

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Don’t Throw in the Towel

Fri Feb 17 , 2023
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