Looking back on a year of pandemic it seems hard to imagine a world unaffected by Covid-19, yet we have to try. We must find reasons for hope and look forward to a future without disease, restrictions and lockdown. In the same way, we need to combat our individual fears, replace our negative thoughts with fresh creativity and protect our mental health. And, on a much broader level, we need to find solutions to the world’s problems so we can all get back on track with our lives.
Unfortunately, when we should all be pulling together, there is so much disunity on the earth today and we need to try and find the common ground, in the hope that we can all get along. We need to put aside our prejudices and our limited thinking and imagine a world where anything is possible. Where love conquers all and where justice and peace prevail.

TEDxNewcastleUniversity Imagine a World conference
Imagine a World is the theme of a special event being held in the North East of England on Sunday 11 April at 9am (BST). Open to online participants from across the nations, the TEDxNewcastleUniversity Imagine a World Conference aims at making the planet a better place.
The virtual line-up includes international speakers, panel discussions and creative workshops. One of the special guest speakers is Reverend Professor Keith Magee who will speak on ‘Finding Common Ground’ along with Professor Richard Clay. Other talk titles include ‘Pursuing Fearlessness’ with Clare Talbot-Jones and ‘Reality v Belief’ presented by James Richardson; and ‘Job Crafting’ from Rob Baker showing how one can thrive, not just survive in a job.
These are just a few of the talk titles. General sessions include ‘Mind Matters’ focusing on mental fitness and wellbeing; ‘Cultivating Curiousity’ which encourages outside the box thinking; ‘A World Made Better By Science’; and ‘Home is where the heart is.”
Tickets are still available to online viewrs who can attend via the virtual event platform, Hopin.
The TEDxNewcastleUniversity Imagine a World Conference “is part of a global conversation that takes place every day in every corner of the world, in schools, theatres, workplaces and even in prisons. People gather to hear the best ideas bubbling up in their communities. More than 3,000 TEDx events are held every year in 170 countries. TEDx events are self organised under licence from TED, a non profit organisation devoted to discovering and sharing powerful ideas in the form of TED Talks.”