Suicide prevention is possible even in the worst of circumstances. Let’s never consider taking our own life as a solution to overcoming despair. Or be insensitive to the mental health challenges of those around us. Rather let’s take hope from brave people like Nathan who’s life was narrowly saved and look to God for a supernatural turnaround for all who struggle.
It may sound like a cliché, but it has been said that suicide is a very final solution to a temporary problem. Think about that… No matter how dark things get, there is always the possibility that they may improve if we don’t give up.

According to statistics, “Suicide in England and Wales is three times more common among men than among women”. Clearly it is a problem facing everyone with mental health issues, no matter the gender, however this post focuses on the story of a man plagued with depression and suicidal thoughts for years.
Fortunately Nathan found the hope he needed in a place he least expected. He didn’t realise it at the time, but an invitation to church changed his life. In this post, CV reminds us that “We are more special and valuable than we’ll ever know. And, that in the darkest of circumstances, there is always hope to be found.”

Nathan’s Story
The video below starts with the shocking statistic that 84 men commit suicide in the UK each week. This is a sad state of affairs and something we should all be working against. Thankfully, Nathan wasn’t one of them and hopefully you or your loved one won’t be either. Every life is filled with so much potential.
“Eight years ago I attempted suicide. I nearly succeeded but I’m glad I failed,” Nathan says looking back.
His downhill spiral began due to an abusive stepfather. This caused him to experience depression from a young age, and trying to find his way in life, he started to feel worthless. The end result was that as a teenager he turned to inappropriate ways to ease his pain that simply did not satisfy.
“Life soon became a continuous cycle of parties, drugs, alcohol, sex and pointless relationships. Repeat, repeat, repeat,” Nathan says. “I felt inhuman. Like I didn’t deserve to be here.”
He can’t remember deciding to take an overdose, he just went to the bathroom and took a handful of tablets. Thankfully his young son found him just in time, thereby saving his life. By God’s grace, Nathan’s children didn’t have to grow up without a dad.
Following this suicide attempt, Nathan started dating a girl who invited him to church. He thought Christians were a mad bunch at first, but gradually he came to know the difference Jesus can make in a person’s life….
Sucide Prevention Month
September is Suicide Prevention month with World Suicide Prevention Day being observed on 10th September each year with the wearing of a yeallow ribbon.
One of the leading Suicide Prevention charities is the Samaritans who offer emergency support. If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts, contact them on 116 123. The Samaritans also have a World Suicide Prevention Day campaign to create awareness concerning mental health issues.

Suicide prevention is possible even for those facing the worst circumstances. Just like Nathan we can overcome that dark place that threatens to pull us down into deep despair where taking our own life seems to be the best solution. It’s not.
No matter what we are dealing with, or the fear that wants to trap us into a place of hopeless despair, we are not alone. God is there to help us through. If you are feeling suicidal, let Him intervene in your life in whatever way, from getting the support you need to finding new reasons to live.
“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4)
Also read: Suicide is not an option