The significance of the Platinum Jubilee for Christians cannot be underestimated as the nation celebrates the Queen’s 70th Anniversary on the throne. After all she is one of the most famous people to profess faith in Jesus Christ and is the head of the Church of England.
It’s wonderful to see the UK rallying together to celebrate a national four-day holiday in honour of Queen Elizabeth 11. She is the longest-reigning British monarch by far and has been a constant reassurance to the people of our nation for over seven decades. Each year we hear her Christmas message which often highlights aspects of her deep Christian faith and now we have a whole season of celebration of the longevity of her reign.
God has truly blessed our Queen with long life, answering our prayers, as sung in the British national anthem. “Send her victorious, happy and glorious, long to reign over us, God save the Queen.” At 96 the Queen’s life is drawing to a close and yet here she is still faithfully serving her people. We don’t know how much longer she will reign, but we are inspired by her lifelong devotion to her God-given calling.

The Platinum Jubilee for Christians
The Platinum Jubilee for Christians is a celebration of God’s faithfulness. Queen Elizabeth 11 has been aptly described as ‘Our Faithful Queen’. She is an amazing example of service, loyalty and faithfulness, all characteristics that God challenges us to develop. You can read more about this in a book that has been produced by the Bible Society and Hope Together entitled, Our Faithful Queen – 70 Years of Faith and Service.

Let us be inspired by Queen Elizabeth 11 to be faithful in all God has called us to do, whether our lives are long or short, in our Master’s service. Much has been written about the Queen and her faith. Perhaps this can be summed up best in her own words from past Christmas messages. For example, “For me, the life of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, whose birth we celebrate today, is an inspiration and an anchor in my life.”
The Platinum Jubilee for non-Christians
It’s well known the Queen met Evangelist Billy Graham and was challenged by his message of salvation in Jesus Christ alone. Perhaps this is what prompted her to share this Christmas message in 2011. The Platinum Jubilee is of course for everybody, not just Christians, but may it be a turning point in your life as you consider these words…
“God sent into the world a unique person – neither a philosopher nor a general (important though they are) – but a Saviour, with the power to forgive. Forgiveness lies at the heart of the Christian faith. It can heal broken families, it can restore friendships and it can reconcile divided communities.”
Queen Elizabeth 11
Philosophy or religion, cannot save us. Neither can an army general or all the armed forces in the world combined. Only a Saviour can accomplish that and there is only one true Saviour and His name is Jesus. Our salvation starts with a relationship with Him. God offers each of us this free gift, all we need to do is receive it by faith.
If you have never accepted Christ as Saviour, speak to Him right now and invite Him into your life. Ask Him to forgive you for what you have done wrong and decide to turn over a new leaf. You will embark on the most amazing journey you could imagine. You will soon discover that you become a new creature in Christ, the old has gone and the new has come. Yes, it will still be a process, a journey of faith, that will last your whole life, whether long or short. Whatever the case, like the Queen, embrace it as an act of devoted service.
It’s not surprising that the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations coincide with the Day of Pentecost. Pentecost was when God poured out the Holy Spirit upon the Early Church to empower them to fulfil the task He calls us all to complete as believers. May you experience the power of God afresh in your life this special Pentecost, Jubilee weekend.
Also read This Pentecost Season, fan into flames the gift God has given you!
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