Jesus is the Answer, YesHeIs

Jesus is the way, the truth and the answer to all life’s challenges and problems as thousands of young people have discovered through the YesHeIs online platform.

“Jesus is the answer for the world today,” Andraé Crouch famously proclaimed in his 1970s hit song. “Above Him there is no other, for Jesus is the Way,” the catchy song continues. Today more than 50 years later methods of evangelism may have changed somewhat but the same powerful Gospel message remains unchanged.

Jesus made serval well known I AM statements echoing the words of His Father, in Exodus 3:14: where God says to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM… Say this to the people of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ “

Jesus is the bread of life; the light of the world; the door for the sheep; the good shepherd; the resurrection and the life; the way, the truth, and the life; and the true vine. All of these statements require a response. What is your response to these claims?

May you, like many, many others be able to say YesHeIs!

And if you can’t acknowledge these truths right now, perhaps you would like to explore Christianity further through the YesHeIs online platform?

YesHeIs – Helping the world know Jesus

YesHeIs is an interactive online platform to help people of all walks of life search, discover and share the Gospel online. It consists of an interactive website; evangelistic app; YouTube Channel and Podcast series. It is operated by CV Digital which is part of Christian Vision (CV), the ministry founded in England by Lord and Lady Edmiston and which now reaches worldwide.

CV is a global Christian ministry with evangelism at the heart of all they do as we seek to fulfil the Great Commission. As the video above clearly captures, “We’re not meant to keep hope to ourselves. When the whole world is asking questions He is our answer. In a world of shortcuts He is the Way; in a world of lies He is the truth and in a world of death and destruction He is the life. We can help them know.

“YesHeIs exists to help you know how to share the Gospel with confidence by growing your relationship with Jesus and connecting in meaningful ways with people around you. For those who know Jesus but aren’t sure their story is enough, we’re helping them know. For those who want to share, but aren’t sure how to start that conversation, we are helping them know. For those who have never experienced the Gospel or heard the story of Jesus our movement of people is helping them know. Together we are helping the world know, YesHsIs!”

UK Christian

FAITH • HOPE • LOVE. We aim to bring a fresh mix of inspirational reports, articles, stories and testimonies to encourage Christians across the UK and beyond.

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