Although some people say Britain is no longer a Christian country and the Christian media in the UK has limited reach, God is still at work in this nation and Christian radio, TV etc still have a role to play as does all types of online witness.

Jesus said in. Matthew 16:!8 that He would build His Church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it. The Church is alive in well in the British Isles despite what the critics say and Christian Media in the UK is growing, has huge diversity of content and still has a major role to play in the Great Commission.
As believers we are called to excel wherever we find ourselves. The same goes for Christians in the media who are called to stand as a bright and shining light at the top of the Media Mountain. You may have heard of the Seven Mountains of Societal Influence as taught by Dr Bill Bright, Lance Wallnau and others. This encourages believers to find their leadership role in Religion, Family, Education, Government, Media, Arts & Entertainment and Business.
Diversity of Christian media in the UK
Since the early days of Christian media in the UK, when people like Jean Darnall were interceding for God to raise up a new generation of communicators to impact the nation with the Gospel through media, God has raised up many media pioneers and organisations like the Christian Broadcasting Council of the UK (CBC)
Some of the most well known Christian Media pioneers include Rory Alec, Wendy Alec, Howard and Leslie Conder, Chris and Kerry Cole and many many others. Each with their own unique calling and representing different streams. All of them working in tandem with Christian influencers like J John, Nicky Gumbel, Matthew Ashimolowo and many others, including those who have passed on but leave a significant legacy, such as Derek Prince, David Pawson and others.
A directory of Christian Media in the UK
Today the Christian media in the UK today consists of several channels on SKY including TBN UK, Revelation TV and GOD TV which carry a variety of original British content. There are best loved radio channels such as UCB, Cross Rhythms and Premier. Plus following Covid-19, when the Church was forced to go online, we now have an abundance of Church Live Streams and You Tube Channels. So where is the best place to source the best Christian media in the UK?
Visit to find a listing of radio and TV channels, radio and TV programmes, as well as a growing list of Christian influencers, ministries and organisations and businesses that serve Christian media.
For many years the Christian Broadcasting Council has been championing the cause of Christian media. They have lobbied in Parliament, held awards evenings to recognise the best Christian content and today they have this very useful directory of Christian media to help you find what you are looking for.
Click to find out more about the CBC, which has a vision to promote the proclamation of the Christian Gospel through the electronic media. It also supports independent Christian broadcasters. Communication with Ofcom and other Government related agencies.
Christian broadcasters, churches, ministries etc are invited to submit a free listing about their media outreach to the CBC UK Directory.