Freemasonry exposed: witch craft are they really following?

“It’s a fraternal organisation dedicated to the tenants of brotherly love and charity, so would anyone want to see Freemasonry exposed?” you may ask. “In the UK the Freemasons are the largest private charitable organisation,” you may argue… or “There are far too many fanciful conspiracies about freemasonry, they are private but not secret, and this is only because they have been persecuted…” 

Freemasonry is often presented as a harmless fraternity, promoting charity and camaraderie. However, beneath the surface lies a complex system that raises serious questions for Christians seeking to live by Biblical truth. A closer look reveals troubling practices, beliefs and associations that are in direct conflict with God’s Word.

Freemasonry’s god: ‘Jahbulon’

At the heart of Freemasonry is its ambiguous theology. Members are told they can follow any faith, and the organisation promotes its own symbol of a ‘Supreme Being’ called Jahbulon. This is not the God Christians worship.

Jahbulon is described as a fusion of:

  • JAH: Yahweh, the God of the Hebrews, who is holy and righteous.
  • BUL: Baal, the Canaanite fertility god linked with immoral and pagan rites.
  • ON: Osiris, the Egyptian god of the underworld, associated with death and resurrection myths.

This blending of deities into a false trinity directly opposes Biblical teaching. As the Apostle Paul wrote:
“What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God.” (2 Corinthians 6:16)

Freemasonry’s teachings dishonour the true God and lead members into spiritual deception. While Freemasonry may use part of our God’s name, this does not grant it Judeo-Christian credibility. Scripture explicitly condemns Baal worship, and we are reminded that God delivered His people from Egypt to worship Him alone. Furthermore the eye of Osirus or “all seeing eye of God” which is integral to the imagery of Freemasonry does not provide the protection they claim, it opens individuals up to curses.

Jesus alone protects us from evil, not an ‘evil eye amulet’ or the so-called ‘Eye of Providence’ so revered in Freemasonry. Masons claim this symbol represents the divine watchfulness of the “Great Architect of the Universe.” However, this carries deeper meanings rooted in Masonic philosophy, which is incompatible with Biblical truth. These seemingly innocent symbols are yet another layer of deception that needs to be refuted in freemasonry exposed.

Luciferian worship at the highest levels

For lower-level Freemasons, rituals may seem like harmless traditions. However, accounts from former members and researchers indicate that as individuals progress to the highest degrees (e.g., the 33rd degree), the nature of the organisation becomes more overtly spiritual and darker.

Some former high-ranking Freemasons have revealed that Lucifer is openly acknowledged and revered in these circles. This aligns with the Bible’s warning: “For Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.” (2 Corinthians 11:14)

Charitable works with a hidden cost

Freemasonry is often praised for its charitable endeavours, including raising significant sums for local causes. However, the good works mask the spiritual dangers. With each degree, members take new oaths and engage in rituals that many believe invoke curses or spiritual bondage over their lives.

One commenter in our Christian Facebook Group says: “It saddens me to see my friend’s husband so heavily involved. It explains a lot about the struggles in their family. Freemasonry may appear benevolent, but it’s a deception. We must stay well clear.”

Freemasonry exposed: Secret oaths and curses

Freemasonry thrives on secrecy. Members swear solemn oaths, often accompanied by symbolic penalties, such as having their tongue torn out or their heart ripped from their body if they reveal the organisation’s secrets. Jesus explicitly forbade such practices: “All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.” (Matthew 5:37)

These oaths bind members spiritually, often without their full understanding. Proclaiming such curses is a form of witchcraft. Hence our play on words… witch craft are they following…

Derek Prince and other respected Christian teachers have spoken extensively on the generational curses that can result from Freemasonry’s rituals and how one can be set free by renouncing these curses and stepping away from the Masonic Lodge.

Freemasonry and the local church

In some UK towns, Masonic lodges meet in the same venues as local churches. This creates an uncomfortable overlap, with members from both groups sharing the same community. While churches preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, lodges conduct rituals rooted in secrecy and syncretism. This is why we must see Freemasonry exposed.

One concerned individual wrote: “The local evangelical church and the Freemasons share a hall. I wonder how many people realise what happens in the evenings after Sunday services? This calls for prayer and spiritual discernment.”

A call to prayer and discernment

Freemasonry is not merely a social club. Its practices, beliefs and spiritual undertones pose real dangers to those who participate. Christians should avoid involvement, choosing instead to honour the true and living God. “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” (Ephesians 5:11)

If you or someone you know has been involved in Freemasonry, know that freedom is found in Christ. Renouncing such associations, breaking any spiritual bonds and seeking deliverance through prayer is crucial.

Your testimony matters

Have you or someone you know experienced the influence of Freemasonry? Your testimony could encourage others to seek the truth and see Freemasonry exposed. Share your story in the comments below or message us privately. Let us stand together, exposing darkness and proclaiming the light of Christ.

Also read: Why should we invite people to Church? The transformative power of a simple invitation

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