Every believer has a testimony to share of what God has done for them, whether it be in a private conversation or publicly on a Christian placard. What is your story? And how do you share it? It’s amazing how God can use multiple ways for us to share the Gospel and sometimes this may not require us to even open our mouths.
In the video below, it is amazing to see a local church utilising the power of the Christian placard in their Easter Sunday outreach service in the city centre. Of course a placard is a printed or handwritten notice used for public display, often carried during a mass demonstration. In this case placards are used to share the Gospel in an effective way.
As you watch you will see that passers are given the opportunity to connect with God through hand written signs attesting to His goodness. On the one side of each placard you will see the problem a person has had to overcome, and on the other, God’s answer!
For example… the front of the first poster says “ORPHANED AND ABANDONED.” But, the flipside reads: “LOVED, ACCEPTED AND CHERISHED,” and so the public profession of faith via the Christian placard continues.
“NO HOPE” says another poster, but it becomes “FULL OF HOPE AND JOY” when the sign is turned around. That is what Jesus does, He literally turns our lives around. Like the placard that reads: “DYSFUNCTIONAL ADDICT – 10 YEARS IN PRISON”. But that’s not the end of the story. “GOD INTERVENED AND REDEEMED,” like only He can.
What would you write on your Christian Placard?
Every believer has a similar story to tell, of salvation, healing and deliverance and God wants us to share it. Like the Apostle Paul in the book of Romans, we should never be ashamed of the Gospel because it is the power of God for the salvation of all people.
The Bible also instructs us to be ready to give an account of what we believe. Can you do that? Consider today what are the key points of your testimony and how you could share it in just a few words. Perhaps write your own Christian placard of your life and keep it in the back of your mind to share whenever you get the opportunity.
In marketing they call this ‘your elevator pitch” – something that can be shared within seconds with people you meet in a lift. What could you say between floors? Each one of us is an ambassador for the Kingdom of God and we must be ready to speak as the Holy Spirit leads.
We know that we “overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony” (Revelation 12:11). It is our testimony that allows us to shine a light in the darkest of places. People can argue with us about religion, but they can’t argue with our personal experience of God. Let your life be a Christian placard for all to read.
Also read Our Easter Prayer for you – May you know God’s resurrection power
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