A True Place of Worship is Wherever You Are

Whether you meet with others in a cathedral or a coffee shop, always remember that a true place of worship is right there in your heart, wherever you are, worshiping God in spirit with all sincerity.

John 4:24
“God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

For centuries Christians have been trying to explore new ways to worship God. From chapels to cathedrals, from house churches to churches-without-walls, every generation of worshipers has tried to develop new and explorative ways of meeting to worship God. So, what is the true place of worship?

The first Christians were Jews. As Jews, therefore they followed Jewish customs and worshiped the Lord Yehovah according to the Law of Moses. The obvious difference between regular Jews and early Christians was the fact that Christian Jews simply believed that Jesus is the Messiah and that the Messiah came to set us free from the law of sin and death by becoming a sacrifice for us on the cross.

Gradually, this Jewish message of the Messiah spread beyond the boundaries of Israel and the Jewish community to people who were known as Gentiles. Eventually, Greeks and Africans and Asians were also following Jesus as Messiah. Therefore, worship style and liturgy changed from the purely Jewish form of worship and animal sacrifice on the Sabbath (Saturday) to house group meetings and larger gatherings on the first day of the week or Sunday. Thus began the evolution of Christian worship format and style as well as the places of worship to what we have today.

One day, on a journey home from Jerusalem in Judea, Jesus and his disciples passed through Samaria. The Samaritans were also descendants of Jacob (Israel) but they worship on Mt. Gerizim at Jacobs Well not in Jerusalem at the temple, as Jews did. When Jesus came to Jacobs Well, he met a Samaritan woman. They began to chat about the best place to worship God. Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when you will neither worship on this mountain, nor in Jerusalem. The hour is coming when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth.” Jesus’ reply implied that neither Jacob’s Well nor the temple was the true place of worship. He said that we were to worship in spirit and in truth.

A true place of worship, therefore, is the heart of a born-again believer intent on tracking the plans and purposes of God. A true place of worship is where believers gather in the name of Jesus Christ. A true place of worship is any place where a Christian sings praise to his Lord and King. A true place of worship is when God’s word falls on fertile soil. A true place of worship is a word of thanksgiving to the Lord our provider. A true place of worship is hands raised anywhere, any time. A true place of worship is a loving hug, a joyful smile, a peaceful pause, a patient endurance, a kind gesture, a good thought, a faithful answer, a gentle touch and a determined restraint. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit so wherever you are is a place of worship.

So, whether you meet with others in a cathedral or a coffee shop, always remember that a true place of worship is right there in your heart, worshiping God in spirit with all sincerity

God-tracking is remaining in a true place of worship.

(Get into the word of God and get the word of God into you!)
Romans 8:1-4
2 Corinthians 5:21
Acts 2:46-47
John 4:1-26
Matthew 18:20
1 Corinthians 6:19

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I acknowledge that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit so wherever I am is a place of worship.

“O Lord my God I praise your name. You are holy and true. You are awesome in power and mighty in strength. I praise you with all my heart. Help me to live out my praise. Help me to worship you every minute of every day in spirit and in truth. I acknowledge that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit so wherever I am is a place of worship. Hallelujah!”

If you prayed that prayer today email me dudley@godtracker.co.uk

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