When Mother’s Day is a Hard Time

Mother’s Day is the time when we honour our mothers. We think of our mothers and all that they have done for us. It is a time of celebration. However, for some, it can be a difficult time. Mother’s Day is often hard for those who have lost their mothers or children. It can be heartbreaking for those whose mothers are sick or dying. And often bitter for those who want so much, but for some reason are not able to have children.

In a world that typically considers motherhood as the primary purpose of a woman’s life, Mother’s Day is often hard for those who tried and failed to conceive. If you are one of those, know that I see you, I hear you, and I am so sorry for what you have been through in your life. But I want to tell you that you are not alone and you matter. You are worthy! Your role in this world is just as important as someone who has children.

This Mother’s Day, I’m thinking of those who have had a hard time because of their childbearing status. To all of them, I devoted the article ‘Do I Matter Even If I Am Not a Mother‘ on my Journeyofsmiley Blog.

Because even though you may not have given birth to humankind, I believe you will have made some meaningful contributions to this world. Because it doesn’t matter if you are a mother or not, you’re a loving human being. And so when Mother’s Day is a hard time for you, lean onto God. Trust Him, you will be OK, with or without a baby. Know that you are worthy, you are loved, and you matter. You have so much to offer to this world.

You can read ‘Do I matter even if I’m not a mother’ here: Do I Matter Even If I Am Not a Mother? – Journeyofsmiley

Katy is a trauma-informed well-being writer who integrates mental health and faith into her words. Katy shares her journey of overcoming trauma on her Journeyofsmiley blog, where you can access her free e-book 7 Keys To Self-Healing, A Trauma Survivor's Guide.

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