Are you thinking of starting a business? Perhaps you have lost your job through Covid-19 and need to find a new source of income? Or maybe you’ve dreamed of stepping out on your own and feel this is the time. Perhaps God is telling you to “get out of the boat and start walking on water?” Whatever the reason, entrepreneurship should be celebrated and encouraged in these uncertain days.
If you are a Christian, stepping out in faith is an exciting roller-coaster ride, which gives you the opportunity to build your faith, trust God and see what He does through you. My wife and I are in the process of setting up a new digital marketing and content creation agency, Countdown Creative, which is very exciting but also scary. It’s always scary to take a risk, try something new but if one doesn’t try you will never know what you could achieve. And, there are many promises in God’s Word about how He will bless the work of our hands.
“Remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant.” (Deuteronomy 8:18).
In addition to scripture, God often speaks to me through nature. Today I was sitting enjoying the sun in the garden. I wasn’t even praying when I received a clear word of encouragement from Heaven about starting a business. I was just listening to the buzzing of bees in the flowerbed alongside me and thinking about the essential role they play. I wondered why there where so many in my garden and where they came from.

Then, the Lord instructed me, “You grow the flowers and I will send the bees.” I realised at that moment that if I did my bit, in starting a business, then He would take care of the rest! If I simply took the first step to plant the seeds, God would cause them to grow. If I did my fair share of watering them then they would blossom and attract the bees so needed in pollination and the process of creating new seeds.
Whatever gifting, talents and abilities God has given you, if you step out and use them, He will help you fine-tune them so you can create masterpieces. These masterpieces will attract others who will take your giftings to a higher level bringing about many new opportunities for your business to flourish and grow.
Starting a business is a growth process
Starting a business is a growth process that requires partnership with other suppliers and much collaboration between you and your clients. I believe God was saying to me, “I will send you the right co-workers and clients to cause your business to expand and be self-sustainable, with new business prospects coming along all the time.”
If you are thinking of starting a new business, here are some ways you could work from home and start rebuilding your dreams. Whatever God has called you to do, make a start today with what you have now. Be obedient to Him and see Him bless the work of your hands. Grow the flowers and He will send the bees. Pretty soon you will hear the buzz of God at work, and you can be sure the honey is on its way!