“I discovered that two-thirds of all the miracles Jesus performed as recorded in the Gospels are miracles of healing. Jesus is the same today as He was then. Therefore, healing is God’s will and God heals today.”
Jeremiah 32:27
“Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me?”
I was complaining to the Lord the other day. “Lord, you know how much I need an answer to this prayer,” I said as I waited for the kettle to boil. “I believe in miracles. I really do! I have prayed for healings before. I know you always bring healing, even if it’s through medicine, but I’ve never actually seen a miracle.”
The kettle clicked and I began to pour the coffee for my son and his family who were visiting. Just then young Ruben, my 8-year old grandson, popped his head around the kitchen door and gave me the thumbs-up, and then returned to the lounge. I returned the gesture with a smile and continued making coffee.
I pondered what had just happened. There was no reason for Ruben to do this; he just spontaneously gave me the thumbs-up and sat down again. Then it occurred to me… Ruben is that miracle!
When Ruben was born, he appeared healthy. However, three weeks later, signs of infections began appearing in his little body. They got worse. Ruben was finally admitted to hospital with suspected serious sepsis.
At one time he stopped breathing and needed resuscitation. He was rushed to an intensive care unit of a children’s hospital in another town. My grandson was chronically ill. We prayed for a miracle.
His tiny body lay on a large bed under a protective Perspex cover with myriad tubes and cables attached to him. Monitors beeped and oxygen hissed. The ICU staff were very concerned for Ruben. Sepsis in such a small body often proves fatal.
A few of us gathered around his bed, along with many folks around the world, and prayed for Ruben’s healing. We left the hospital in despair, yet with faith that by the wounds of Jesus, Ruben was healed.
When we returned the next day, we were astounded to find that most of the tubes had been removed from Ruben’s little body. The nursing staff was very positive and hopeful. They had set in for the long-haul but there had been a major turnaround.
In just a little more than 24-hours after he arrived at the special unit, Ruben was discharged. The words of the head sister of the ICU, “I have never seen such a rapid recovery like this.” It was a miracle.
I finished stirring the coffee with an apology to my Lord. “Ah, Lord, I’m sorry for grumbling. I have seen a miracle. You are the God of miracles and a healer of our flesh.”
I reminded myself that the scriptures tell us that the prayer of faith shall make the sick person well and that if we lay hands on the sick, they shall recover. In fact, I’ve discovered that two-thirds of all the miracles Jesus performed, as recorded in the Gospels, are miracles of healing. Jesus is the same today as he was then.
Therefore, healing is God’s will and God heals today. As I delivered the coffee to expectant guests in the lounge, I was reassured that we can be expectant of God for miracles.
God-tracking is expecting miracles of our God
1 Peter 2:24
James 5:13-15
Mark 16:17-18
Hebrews 13:8
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Today I expect a miracle from God
“Dear Lord, thank you so much that you are the God of the impossible. What is impossible to man is possible to you. Thank you that you still perform miracles today. So, I place my confidence in you and your Word that you will perform a miracle in my life today. Lord, you know I need this healing. I believe that by your wounds we have been healed. So, I claim the blood of Jesus shed for my healing. Today I expect a miracle from God, Amen and amen!”
I’d love to pray with you more. Please email me at mailto:dudley@surereality.net
What is GodTracker?
GodTracker is a weekly e-mail devotional, written by Dudley Anderson, based on the premise that God has a plan for our lives. His Word calls us to seek his plan by acknowledging him in all our ways and by tracking his purposes, in faith.
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