“God’s grace is yours. He is with you in your predicament. Your Lord is faithful and will meet all your needs and restore your soul. Stand firm on Christ, your Rock.”

Psalm 23:3
He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
Janet was married to a very abusive man. She had three boys, who she loved very much but their father was a violent alcoholic who would regularly beat Janet and her children. He was unemployed which meant that Janet needed to work long hours to keep the family together. Sadly, one day she was called into her manager’s office and informed that the department she worked for was closing. Janet lost her only means of security, provision and escape. Living in a country with no social service all the family’s funds soon ran out. With no means of support, her husband walked out on her. Janet was, destitute, deserted and depressed with three young children to feed. Yet, Janet knew Christ.
Soon Janet lost her home and almost all her possessions. She moved to a small one-roomed shack in a new town. Their living conditions were appalling; no running water, no sewerage, no electricity and barely one mattress for all four of them to sleep on. And yet Janet never took her eyes of her Lord. She walked miles on Sundays to attend church. She regularly read her Bible and continued to spend time in prayer and praise. Janet had reached rock bottom. All that she had left was the Rock on which she stood.
Gradually, as Janet maintained her faith and her trust in her Rock, Jesus Christ, she began to sense a deep inner strength that rescued her. That strength was the hope that God would restore her. Like Job of the Bible, Janet knew that there was only one hope, one source to her restoration. That source was the Lord her God. Janet prayed, “O Lord, my Lord, I know that my life and the lives of my children are in your hands. You are our only hope and I know that you will never desert us. You alone are the Restorer of my soul.”
Whatever you are facing today please believe me when I say that you can never out manoeuvre the grace of God. Even the great man, Paul suffered trials and difficulties. He discovered that the grace of God was his sufficiency and, in his weakness, he found the strength of God manifest. God’s grace is yours. He is with you in your predicament. Your Lord is faithful and will meet all your needs and restore your soul. Stand firm on Christ, your Rock.
I’m happy to report that Janet found a new well-paid job and was able to move her family to better accommodation. Soon she was able to provide more for her boys than ever before. When she had passed through the valley of death her Rock restored her soul.
God-tracking is never taking your eyes of the Restorer of your soul.
Psalm 18:1-6
2 Corinthians 12:7-10
Psalm 23
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You are my Rock and my foundation
“Dear Lord, I feel so forlorn and deserted today. I have run out of all my natural resources. I need you to meet my needs. I take my eyes off my dilemma and choose to not give up but look up and fix my gaze on the Restorer of my soul. Thank you that you are always with me in every predicament in life. You are my Rock and my foundation. I praise you now for meeting my needs and delivering me from this plight. In the name of Jesus, amen.
If you prayed that prayer today, please email me – dudley@godtracker.co.uk
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