Do Life with All Your Might

Dear GodTracker, as you seek and track the plans of God for your life, whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might. God has not called you to be more than you are, he has called you to be all that you are.

Ecclesiastes 9:10
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might.

One of my favourite expressions is, God has not called you to be more than you are, he has called you to be all that you are. This expression is based on scripture that reminds us that whatever we do in life should be done unto God, with all our might. All is the smallest biggest word in the English language. Only three letters but the word means everything. Therefore, by God’s grace and by his strength, everything that I do in my life should be done to the best of my ability and with complete commitment; being all I am for him.

There is one Bible character who is the epitome of commitment. His name is Jesus. Jesus’ devotion and commitment to his cause are evident from an early age. When he was only twelve, Jesus travelled with his parents to Jerusalem for a religious festival. When his parents set out to return to Nazareth, they did not realise the young Jesus was not with them. After days of travel, they discovered that he was missing and must have been left back in Jerusalem. (They travelled in very large caravans in those days so they didn’t miss him, to begin with.) When Mary and Joseph returned to Jerusalem they found the young Jesus in the temple, committed to worship and service. It is clear from the whole of Jesus’ life that he did everything with all his might. Jesus was all his Father called him to be, even unto death.

In this day and age of soft living and egotistic motivation, as followers of Jesus, may we be different to the world. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus and follow his example of commitment and diligence. Whether our work is cleaning toilets or managing large corporations, may we live out the integrity of who we are in Christ by showing the world that we are hardworking, conscientious and devoted workers. God’s word calls us to do all we do in life in the name of Jesus. It tells us, whatever we do, to do it heartily, as unto the Lord and not unto men, knowing that, in the Lord, our labour is not in vain.

So, dear GodTracker, as you seek and track the plans of God for your life, whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might. God has not called you to be more than you are, he has called you to be all that you are.

God-tracking is doing life with all your might

READ ALL ABOUT IT(Get into the word of God and get the word of God into you!)
Ecclesiastes 9:10-11
Hebrews 12:2
Colossians 3:17,23
1 Corinthians 15:58

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Jesus, commit my work to you. I choose to do it with all my might as unto you and not for any man.

“Dear Lord, I apologise for being slapdash. Forgive me if I have insulted your integrity by being half-hearted and uncommitted in my work and responsibilities. Today, I choose to follow your example of commitment and diligence. Jesus, I commit my work to you. I choose to do it with all my might as unto you and not for any man. All I do in life I do in the name of Jesus and to your glory. Dear Lord, I know in you my labour is never in vain. Amen.”

If you prayed that prayer today please email me

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Get firmly set on tracking God’s Plans

Sun May 8 , 2022
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God’s Plans

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