Katy Parker is an overcomer who encourages others to walk in victory especially at this time when the UK starts another national lockdown. In addition to the difficulties of 2020, Katy had to recover from a car accident. She shares her testimony of being an overcomer and the difference kindness made in her life…
I remember saying to myself “2020 is going to be a great year, it’s going to be unforgettable”. That’s why I was glad we could celebrate the start of it on an exotic holiday, we’d worked so hard for. It was like making every effort to celebrate a milestone birthday, to make it unforgettable. But, be careful what you wish for!
As it turned out 2020 was indeed unforgettable, on so many levels and not only for us… Not in my worst dreams would I have imagined that we would spend most of 2020 in lockdown or in isolation, socially distanced from others. I never thought I would be queuing outside of a supermarket just to buy the essentials, wearing a mask to a bank or that loo rolls and flour would become so desirable.
As if 2020 wouldn’t already be a difficult enough year anyway we were also affected by my accident. I suffered a bad injury six weeks before the end of 2020 and spent almost two weeks in hospital. I was hit by a van as I was crossing a road and whilst visits from family and friends were not allowed I was grateful for the care and kindness of the hospital staff and the mutual support and unity of the patients on the ward. This helped me to be an overcomer in those hard times whilst in hospital during a time of pandemic.
While everything seemed to be cancelled, kindness wasn’t cancelled. Whilst the world came to a stillstand I was glad that kindness and humanity continued to exist. I witnessed it on so many occasions. I received flowers, support and get well messages from friends, neighbours, colleagues when I wasn’t well. But as much as enjoy receiving gifts I also like to give them, so I made cakes for our neighbours and the key workers to say thank you. I also promised to bake cupcakes for all the staff who were taking care of me when I was in hospital and I am determined to keep my promise once I get better.
Lessons on the way to being an overcomer
2020 was a year of struggle but also of appreciation. At the start of 2021 I hope that this kindness is something that we will take into this new year. Last. year was definitely challenging but at the same time also life-changing. It took lots away but also taught me some important lessons on the journey to being an overcomer.
Did you notice how quickly people turned into scientists, politicians, economists and financial experts? Luckily not everyone was just trying to impart their clever wit on us via social media and some people actually took the opportunity to support their communities and help others through the crisis.
People were discovering new skills. We suddenly had time to do all the things we always wanted to do but never had time for. We had more time for family and ourselves. The world slowed down, our lives changed almost overnight and we found the time to observe the seasons in nature as spring turned into summer and then into autumn… We felt so blessed to have a garden where we could enjoy the glorious lockdown weather.
I was grateful for the long evening conversations with my partner, the local walks as we discovered hee beautiful places around us. Funnily enough we moved to the area four years ago and only found those places last year. We realised that beauty is all around us and we don’t need to travel far to find it. We only need to keep our eyes open!
Living in such a beautiful place helped me to go through the lockdown. I feel so free out in nature, like I can breathe again, breathe the fresh air. It gives me wings and I can fly, it fills me with an inner calm…it fully testifies. In the words of my friend “Nature is God’s cathedral”.
I realise that everything is temporary. I missed my walks when I was in the hospital and couldn’t walk properly. It showed me that I can’t take things for granted. Bound to the bed I had lots of time to think and started to see many things from different perspectives. There were many things I wasn’t able to do and so the lesson I learnt, even if the hard way, is that we often don’t think about things that really matter until they’re gone.
Why are we so pathetic? We so often worry about small petty things in our life that the existence of really important things often escapes us. I started to think deeper about my priorities and appreciate every little step on the journey of my long recovery. I didn’t moan anymore that I got bored, that everything was shut and there was nowhere to go.
It didn’t bother me at all – I wasn’t able to walk anyway. “At least I am not missing anything” I comforted myself with the thought that by the time the world goes into a ‘new normal’ I will be able to walk, run and hopefully even climb Mount Snowdon in summer as planned. This was my motivation and I was suddenly grateful for even the smallest steps I made. I was thankful for every new day.
“Prayer is the falling of a tear, when none but God is near.” 2020 was a real struggle with many tears of grief, sadness, pain but also happiness and joy followed by good and positive messages. Those were the times that reminded me that we are never alone. God was always there. He is always with me when I go through hard, fiery and overwhelming times.
Thank you, God, for bringing me through a difficult year. Thank you for helping me to fight the battles of life. A friend said to me after my accident that it is in the toughest times when we learn most. And he was right, it was through those times when I discovered my inner strength.
I hope therefore I can carry all that 2020 has taught me into this year. Everything that I had to go through in order to survive. With this in mind, dear 2021 I am prepared for whatever you throw at me… ready for a new day, new year and not only to survive but also to succeed and for this reason I say, “Thank you”!
Also read: 5 Words of Declaration that will help you face the day with confidence. Other things to remember on the journey to being an overcomer is that we serve the God of the Impossible and He can make a way where there seems to be no way. It’s not over until God says it’s over!
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