A Place of Peace and Security

Renew your mind by his word and you will discern that perfect will of God. Remain in God’s will and you will remain in a place of peace and security, making and an impact on your world.

Romans 12:2
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

This Christian motivational thought is concerned with helping the reader seek and track the will of God. God’s will is always a place of peace and security. If you remain in the centre of God’s will you will impact your world, something that the enemy of our souls, Satan, will do all he can to prevent.

Doreen was a tender child. She loved her mom and dad very much. The family lived on the East End of London during the time of the Second World War. Life was not easy. Sadly, when Doreen was 11-years old, her mom walked out on the family after her dad had an affair. The new woman in her father’s life was abusive and bullied Doreen badly. Gradually her esteem was so stripped away that she found herself lost to the evils of witchcraft. But God had a plan for this little life. Doreen later discovered the love and power of the Lord and gave her life to Jesus. Repenting of her black crafts Doreen discovered the peace and security of following God’s will for her life. Doreen Irvine tells her story in the book From Witchcraft to Christ, a book that has had a great impact on the world.

Psalm 143 is a prayer of another person who was bullied and abused, that of David. As a young man, David was anointed king of Israel. However, King Saul was still on the throne. Saul was not a nice guy and sought to take David’s life. David endured his abuse for many years during which time he wrote many psalms. But God had a plan for this young life, too. David walked in God’s will despite the opposition he faced. Here he found peace and security. When he was downcast, he placed his hope in the Lord. David had a profound impact on the world, becoming the greatest king Israel ever had and the descendent of Messiah.

Perhaps you find yourself in a predicament like Doreen Irvine or King David. It could be that you have also been being bullied or abused. You may have faced countless events in your life where the enemy of your soul, Satan, was intent on dragging you away from God’s will. God’s word for you today is, nothing can ever separate you from his love. His will is for you is to acknowledge him in all your ways. Do this and he will direct your life’s track according to his will. Seek first his kingdom principles and his goodness. Do this and he will provide all you’ll ever need for life and living. Renew your mind by his word and you will discern that perfect will of God. Remain in God’s will and you will remain in a place of peace and security, making and an impact on your world.

God-tracking is remaining in God’s will despite the opposition.

READ ALL ABOUT IT(Get into the word of God and get the word of God into you!)
Psalm 143
Psalm 42:5
Romans 8:37-39
Proverbs 3:5-6
Matthew 6:33

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Thank you for your promise that you will never leave me and thank you for the peace and security of walking in your will

“Oh Lord, like King David, I feel so downcast today. I have endured much abuse and many restrictions in life. Today, I apologise for ever taking my eyes off Jesus and looking down at my circumstances. I choose now to not give up but look up as I surrender my will to do your will. I acknowledge your presence and purposes for every avenue of my life and seek to live according to your kingdom principles. Thank you for your promise that you will never leave me and thank you for the peace and security of walking in your will. Amen.”

If you require more prayer, I’d love to pray with you. Please email dudley@godtracker.co.uk

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Fri Apr 1 , 2022
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