Yet, the life I now live before entering heaven, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. So, until then I will hold fast to the Lord my God.

Joshua 28:8
but you shall hold fast to the Lord your God, as you have done to this day.
I was pondering heaven while washing dishes the other day. “Lord, thankfully I won’t be doing this in heaven,” I mused with a smile. Indeed, when we get to paradise, we won’t need to do any of the chores we do in this life. But on the other hand, neither will we be involved in any activities we deem pleasurable here on earth. Heaven is a place like no other.
Heaven is the dwelling of our loving, eternal, omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent God. The Bible tells us that heaven is filled with his glory. There will be no need for the sun or a lamp as the splendour of God fills its expanse. Often called the New Jerusalem, heaven will be a place of majesty with streets of gold, gates of pearl and foundations decorated with precious stones. God will wipe away every tear, there shall be no more death, nor sadness, nor crying nor pain. It will be a place of splendid glory, peace and ecstasy (no washing dishes). And the pleasures we enjoy on earth will pale into utter insignificance compared to the euphoric pleasure of being in God’s perpetual presence.
Heaven will be eternal (and we have eternal life through Jesus). Won’t we get tired or bored living forever, year after year, millennium after millennium? No, because as we will exist in infinite time, we will only experience it as a moment – one eternal moment of grandeur.
Still, what of now? How do I live in the here and now before I cross over to be with him in his paradise? I long to be there, not here washing dishes. This 21st-century world is filled with pain, corruption and decay, I want out! And yet, I have a mandate from my Lord that qualifies me to remain here on earth; a lifelong mandate to make disciples of all nations so that others may hold to the hope of glory to which I hold.
Christ in me is the hope of glory. I long to be home with Jesus in the splendour of his glory. Yet, the life I now live before entering heaven, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. So, until then I will hold fast to the Lord my God.
God-tracking is holding on until Jesus comes.
IT’S ALL IN THE BIBLE. READ ALL ABOUT IT (Get into the word of God and get the word of God into you!)
Revelation 22:3-5
Revelation 21
John 3:16
Colossians 1:27
Matthew 28:19-20
Galatians 2:20
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Until I get there, O Lord, help me to live in the here and now by faith, holding fast to Jesus.
“Ah, Father God, thank you for the hope of glory. Thank you that you have dealt with my sin through the cross of Jesus and promised me eternal life if I confess him as Lord. I rejoice that when I die or when Jesus comes (whichever happens first) I will walk on streets of gold. Wow! Praise God for heaven! Until I get there, O Lord, help me to live in the here and now by faith, holding fast to Jesus. Amen.”
If you prayed that prayer today email me
I asked the Lord one time about heaven and the streets paved with gold and he communicated; because gold is a common thing in heaven, it’s treaded underfoot there. Can’t wait. Till then, I’m clinging to Jesus the Christ.